Artificial Intelligence in Social Media

In 1942, Isaac Asimov introduced the Three Laws of Robotics :

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

Since this Robotics Laws were published many writers have been predicting relationships between human and robotics. Nowadays, artificial intelligence drives the relationship to a new level that some people are worrying about if human being will be ended by robotics. Although it is impossible at the moment, artificial intelligence is creating more and more value in social media.

Artificial intelligence in social media is primarily used as an efficient way to sort through large clusters of user-generated information. Based on a large amount of data analysis knowledge can be formed from data via ‘deep learning’. Deployed on social media products this can be used for personalised suggestions or recommendations based on previous engagements in image or voice recognition.

Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence Research

In 2013, Facebook launched a new research lab dedicated entirely to advancing the field of AI. Deep learning expert Yann LeCun is directing the efforts of the lab. In the Blog, (Chayka, 2014) described how Facebook analyses faces that appear in photos on its server by pattern recognition algorithms. So that it can identify your friends in your photos automatically.  Artificial intelligence helps user experience on Facebook get better and better. Their deep learning techniques have significant impact on reducing manpower work loads in suggestions, News Feed filters, trending topics analysis, comments analysis and etc.

Facebook (Aron, 2015) provided some questions for testing artificial intelligence systems:

Question 1

John is in the playground.
Bob is in the office.
John picked up the football.
Bob went to the kitchen.

1. Where is the football?
2. Where was Bob before the kitchen?

1. Playground
2. Office

Question 2

Daniel picked up the football.
Daniel dropped the football.
Daniel got the milk.
Daniel took the apple.

1. How many objects is Daniel holding?

1. Two

Question 3

The triangle is to the right of the blue square.
The red square is on top of the blue square.
The red sphere is to the right of the blue square.

1. Is the red sphere to the right of the blue square?
2. Is the red square to the left of the triangle?

1. Yes
2. Yes

Question 4

The football fits in the suitcase.
The suitcase fits in the cupboard.

The box of chocolates is smaller than the football.

1. Will the box of chocolates fit in the suitcase?

1. Yes

Question 5

Sbdm ip im vdu yonrckblms.
Abf ip im vdu bhhigu.
Sbdm yigaus ly vdu hbbvfnoo.
Abf zumv vb vdu aivgdum.

1. Mduku ip vdu hbbvfnoo?
2. Mduku znp Abf fuhbku vdu aivgdum?

This is a trick question – it is actually identical to Question 1, but with the letters in each word scrambled. An AI can still get it right because it learns to answer statistically based on previous questions it has seen, rather than learning the true meaning of words. But here are the answers anyway:

1. yonrckblms
2. bhhigu


Google’s Artificial Intelligence Research

Google acquired DeepMind, a company that built learning algorithms for e-commerce, simulations, and games, for $400 million. DeepMind’s 50 employees were considered to be among the most talented experts in the field of AI. Google also hired deep learning pioneer Geoff Hinton to improve products such as Android voice search. On 15th March,2016, DeepMind’s intelligent program AlphaGo beat Go world champion Lee Sedol 4 to 1 in the ancient Chinese board game.

“The algorithms we build are capable of learning for themselves directly from raw experience or data, and are general in that they can perform well across a wide variety of tasks straight out of the box. Our world-class team consists of many renowned experts in their respective fields, including but not limited to deep neural networks, reinforcement learning and systems neuroscience-inspired models.”(Google DeepMind)

DeepMind claims that the AlphaGo program combines two forms of brain-inspired machine intelligence, which enables the capability of analysis of patterns from existing data and from these patterns in order to achieve. For example, AlphaGo learns from Lee Sedol and tries to win the competition.



1. Asimov, Isaac (1950). I, Robot.

2. Smith,C. (2014) Artificial Intelligence Is the Next Frontier for Social Networks. Available at:

3. Chayka, K. (2014) This Is What Your Face Looks Like to Facebook. Available at:

4.  Aron, J. (2015) Test yourself on Facebook’s Intelligence Questions. Daily News, 3 March 2015. Available at:


6 thoughts on “Artificial Intelligence in Social Media

  1. Interesting article.
    I had just been reading about Facebook’s AI programme, and the advances they are making in facial recognition. Yann LeCun apparently came from Bell Labs, and I’m sure is at the forefront of machine learning.


  2. Interesting Kai, in particular I was struck by your example question 4 where the words were scrambled but to a computer they might as well have been the same. Yet reactions to change that come naturally to humans seem very hard to computers. If i see another picture of a human hand reaching out to a robot hand i’ll go postal! We are nothing at all alike, might as well fondle a circuit board.


  3. Good post Kai, seems like we are just getting started in this field. The possibilities of where this age of machine learning could take seem endless! Hopefully they will all have good outcomes.


    1. Agree! Just saw the news about Microsoft terminated the AI chatbot, Tay, after she turns into a Nazi. Seems like we should not let AI learn everything on its own. At least we should make sure it wont do any harm to us.


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